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TODCM Release 1.2.3

Release Date: June-15-2016
Read the Installation Guide here.
Open source packages licensed under GNU AGPL. Read the Release Notes document here.

Platform Description TGZ ZIP

Standard Package

Standard package contains all source files and binaries for all platforms. Download this package if you are not sure which package is right for your environment.

Linux Package

Each Linux package contains all source files and Linux binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF and Mimetex. The included binaries are not guaranteed to work on all flavors of Linux. CentOS (community version of Red Hat Linux) is highly recommended.

Mac Package

Each Mac package contains all source files and Mac binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF and Mimetex. The included binaries are not guaranteed to work on all versions of OS X.

Windows Package

The Windows package contains all source files and Windows binaries for WKHTMLTOPDF and Mimetex. There is only one package for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows.