Common Core

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Re: Common Core

Postby nub » October 18th, 2011, 5:33 pm


Please forgive me if you got a pm on the same issue. I couldn't tell if it went through and thought posting here would allow others to benefit from the information.

Just looking for an update. Are the common core standards still on the way or are they now complete? I'd love to have the .csv if they are ready.

Thanks so much,
Posts: 8
Joined: October 12th, 2011, 5:40 pm

Re: Common Core

Postby David Tong » October 19th, 2011, 6:59 am

I have posted the Common Core standard CSV files for Math and English in a read-only post here:
David Tong - TODCM Founder. - TODCM open source project site. - Operator and maintainer of the TODCM project.
David Tong
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Re: Common Core

Postby nub » October 19th, 2011, 12:41 pm


This is wonderful! Thanks so much!

Posts: 8
Joined: October 12th, 2011, 5:40 pm

Re: Common Core

Postby nub » October 20th, 2011, 3:34 am

I tried these out tonight and they worked well, but I learned the hard way I needed to tweak a few things.

As you documentation says you need to be sure to change the departmentid in the sql file to match the desired department to which these should be applied.

I also found out the hard way that the math CC have a $ in the standards and therefore the whole set is in "#" in stead of a "$" delimiter. If this is not changed in the sql you use the imported strands/standards are poorly formatted.

I'm going to attach the sql files I ultimately used. I'm also going to add a text file that tells what the department IDs are so that you can get your standards put in the right place. It is worth saying that the departmentIDs I have on this attachment are for an unaltered installation of the software. I haven't the foggiest idea how you find department ids if you've changed things. I had to search the whole directory for files containing "departmentid" but this was in the install folder and so i suspect won't show modified departments if you added or removed them.

With no method for deleting these strands/standards/benchmarks this process is rather high-stakes. Sure you can disable them, but I'm just playing right now so I started over from scratch.

Hope this helps you!

Listing of DepartmentIDs and the Math and English sqls that worked for me. Use at your own risk.
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Re: Common Core

Postby David Tong » October 20th, 2011, 4:39 am

Thanks for the additional info. This tool is used by the programers in the TODCM team so it is not exactly user friendly and some database experience is required.

There are 2 ways you can find the department ids: 1) look at the department table in the database. 2) From the site, go to Admin->Department and mouse over the department names and look for the URL link (usually at the left bottom corner of the browser), you would see something like http://localhost/admin/department/edit/4/1, the first number, 4 in this example is the department id.

For deletion, you have to go directly into the database and delete the unwanted data from the 3 tables: strand, standard and benchmark. This should be easy by deleting all data (in the order of benchmark, standard, strand else I think you will run into database constraint issues) from these 3 table if it is a new installation without user data. If it is a production site with user data then this method is not suggested unless you do understand the database design of TODCM and data from additional tables need to be modified.

nub wrote:I tried these out tonight and they worked well, but I learned the hard way I needed to tweak a few things.

As you documentation says you need to be sure to change the departmentid in the sql file to match the desired department to which these should be applied.

I also found out the hard way that the math CC have a $ in the standards and therefore the whole set is in "#" in stead of a "$" delimiter. If this is not changed in the sql you use the imported strands/standards are poorly formatted.

I'm going to attach the sql files I ultimately used. I'm also going to add a text file that tells what the department IDs are so that you can get your standards put in the right place. It is worth saying that the departmentIDs I have on this attachment are for an unaltered installation of the software. I haven't the foggiest idea how you find department ids if you've changed things. I had to search the whole directory for files containing "departmentid" but this was in the install folder and so i suspect won't show modified departments if you added or removed them.

With no method for deleting these strands/standards/benchmarks this process is rather high-stakes. Sure you can disable them, but I'm just playing right now so I started over from scratch.

Hope this helps you!

David Tong - TODCM Founder. - TODCM open source project site. - Operator and maintainer of the TODCM project.
David Tong
Posts: 94
Joined: June 4th, 2011, 4:17 pm


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