SIS Integration or Upload

TODCM administration related topics. Topics for administrating & maintaining a TODCM site, data imports etc.

SIS Integration or Upload

Postby TroyP » March 14th, 2013, 11:18 pm

There was a little bit of discussion about including SIS integration. Given the number of SIS systems, I can imagine that would be a monstrous task. We would love to be able to upload all of our classes and course numbers via a CSV file.

Is this something on the horizon?
Posts: 3
Joined: March 9th, 2013, 2:15 am

Re: SIS Integration or Upload

Postby David Tong » May 28th, 2013, 8:47 pm

This is a service we can provide.
David Tong - TODCM Founder. - TODCM open source project site. - Operator and maintainer of the TODCM project.
David Tong
Posts: 94
Joined: June 4th, 2011, 4:17 pm

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