Copy a Course

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Copy a Course

Postby dmbech » October 14th, 2014, 2:12 pm

There is currently a way to copy units but is there any way to copy a course? I have a situation where two courses are very similar with some unit differences but it would be much easier to copy the course and then modify it, rather than having to enter all the data twice or more times depending on how many versions of the course there may be. These courses also fall under different departments. As an example, Dept. A might have Course A with certain units. Dept B might have the same course, Course A, but with several additional or different units. So rather than have to enter Course A manually two times, can I just make a copy Course A and start from there? Hope that makes sense.
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Joined: October 22nd, 2013, 8:41 pm

Re: Copy a Course

Postby David Tong » October 14th, 2014, 6:26 pm

Have you tried the unit sharing feature? The shared unit option is presented when you create a new unit. Please let me know if it doesn't help.
David Tong - TODCM Founder. - TODCM open source project site. - Operator and maintainer of the TODCM project.
David Tong
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