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Grades for multilple same level schools

March 20th, 2014, 12:01 pm
by rbackus
We have multiple schools with the same grades, such as 4 elementary schools all grades K to 5. Do I need to setup 4 sets of grades for each school (School A grade 1, School B grade 2, etc) since it appears that a single grade can only be assigned to one school?
Randall Backus
Newington Public Schools
Re: Grades for multilple same level schools

April 10th, 2014, 5:25 pm
by David Tong
If all schools share the same curriculum (same units) then there is no need to set up multiple schools.
Re: Grades for multilple same level schools

April 10th, 2014, 8:33 pm
by rbackus
While these is commonality among our schools, the curriculum is not identical. For example, middle school A may have a course that middle school B does not have and vice versa.
Randall Backus
Newington Public Schools
Re: Grades for multilple same level schools

April 28th, 2014, 12:14 am
by David Tong
Sounds like to me you are better off to create multiple schools and then use the "Shared Unit" and "Integrated Unit" features in TODCM to share/link units between schools/departments/courses.
The "Shared Unit" feature is on by default and the "Integrated Unit" feature can be turned on from the admin config menu.