Upload and Web Link Direct Display Support


The professional version has the ability to display certain upload file types and all web links directly on a unit page. The currently supported upload files types are: PDF, image (bmp, gif, jpg and png), HTML, Microsoft Word document (doc, docx and rtf). The Microsoft Word documents are converted to PDF to show in the browser to ensure browser compatibility. Due to the issues between Apple and Adobe, direct display of PDF on a web page is not possible for all Mac computers therefore the PDF and Microsoft Word direct display support in TODCM are disabled for Mac computers regardless of browser type.


This feature enables course editors to display rich contents and multimedia directly onto a unit page. Internet contents from websites such as YouTube.com and Scribd.com are supported with this feature. This also allows schools to show their legacy curriculum related documents directly inside TODCM and then gradually migrate the legacy data into TODCM properly. This feature is supported in “Additional Elements” and “Cross-curriculum Links” from stage one, “Assessment Evidence” from stage two, “Learning Activities” from stage three and “Additional Resources” from stage “Resources”.


Parents and students using TODCM’s guest login would find the curriculum interesting with all the multimedia contents built into each unit page. Teachers would find more helpful teaching tips from the rich multimedia contents added by other teachers.


Skip to Image Uploads

Skip to HTML Uploads

Skip to PDF Uploads

Skip to Web Links

Skip to Microsoft Word Document Uploads (Doc to PDF)


Uploads and Web Links


Click on any one of the highlighted green buttons:


Note: All green buttons can be customized to support uploads and web links.


The following window appears:


Use the “Add files” button to add one or more upload files. Use the two text boxes to add web links, you can add more than 2 web links after saving this window and then edit again using the green button.



Uploaded Image Files


The supported image files types are: bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg and png. For all supported uploaded image files, two additional buttons will be shown for each uploaded images file:



Button to display the image directly on the page.

Button to show image in a popup window.


Example of an image displayed directly on a unit page:



Hide the image.

Decrease image size.

Set image size to default size.

Increase image size.



Uploaded HTML Files


The supported HTML file extensions are html and htm. For all supported uploaded HTML files, two additional buttons will be shown for each uploaded HTML file:


For this example, the following sample HTML file is used:



<body style="background-color:white">

<h1 style="color:red">This is a HTML file.</h1>

<div>TODCM logo:</div>

<img src="http://todcm.org/images/header.jpg" />




Sample HTML file uploaded:



Button to display the HTML directly on the page.

Button to show HTML in a popup window.


Sample HTML file displayed directly on the page:



Hide the HTML.

Decrease HTML container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.

Set HTML container size to default size.

Increase HTML container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.



Uploaded PDF Files


The supported PDF file extension is pdf. Due to limited PDF support in the Mac OS X environment, the PDF direct display feature is disabled for all browsers running on a Max OS X computer. For all uploaded PDF files, two additional buttons will be shown:



Button to display the PDF file directly on the page.

Button to show PDF file in a popup window.


Sample PDF file displayed directly on the page:



Hide the PDF file.

Decrease PDF container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.

Set PDF container size to default size.

Increase PDF container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.



Web Links


Almost any web content from the internet or your intranet is supported with the web link direct display feature. You can use this feature to add multimedia to your unit page by using services such as Youtube.com. You can also attach any website directly inside a unit page and all the website links are clickable, some website such as Google.com disables displaying its website inside another website. For illustration purpose, a Youtube.com example and a Scribd.com example are shown in the following section. Some websites will attach advertisements when displaying their contents inside TODCM.


For Youtube.com videos, the embed URL is needed for TODCM to attach a video directly on to a unit page. A typical Youtube.com embed code (Share button -> Embed button from the Youtube video page) looks like this:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/9IGD9oLofks" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></ iframe>


The URL link http://www.youtube.com/embed/9IGD9oLofks is what needs to be provided to show the video on a unit page:



After clicking the Save button, the following will appear on the unit page:



Button to display the web link content directly on the page.

Button to show web link content in a popup window.


Sample Youtube link displayed directly on the page and the video can be played with the highlighted buttons:



Hide the Web link content.

Decrease web link container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.

Set web link container size to default size.

Increase web link container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.


You can attach any Scribd document directly into TODCM. You can copy the Scribd link from the browser or the “Copy Link” button from the Scribd document page. This is how a Scribd document looks inside TODCM:




Microsoft Word Document Uploads (Doc to PDF)


The supported file extensions are doc, docx and rtf. In order to display these document types from a browser, TODCM uses the LiveDocx web service to convert these documents to PDF files before showing them on a unit page. Your site administrator has to assign a LivDocx account to TODCM before this feature can be used. The original uploaded documents are untouched by the conversion and they are always available for downloading.


Disabled gray button when LiveDocx service is not configured or disabled:


Enabled blue button when LiveDocx service is configured and enabled:


Clicking on the blue “W” button starts a Doc to PDF conversion:


The page does not get refreshed automatically after the document is converted but the next visit of the same page would show the converted document. In order to see the converted document without leaving the current page it is necessary to click on the hide/minimize button and then click on the the blue “W” button again to see the converted PDF document when it is available. Depending on the Doc-to-PDF conversion demand of your site, the conversion process generally is done in ten to sixty seconds. This Doc-to-PDF conversion is done once per file and the converted file is saved for all subsequent access. This is how a Word document displayed on a unit page looks like:



Disabled button due to LiveDocx not configured or disabled by the site administrator.

Button to convert the document file to PDF and display the new PDF file on the unit page. It is fine to use this button again after the conversion is done since the conversion only happens once per file regardless how many times this button is clicked.

Hide/minimize the converted document file. Use this and the W button above to refresh the document after the initial conversion. The manual refresh is not required because the next time the document gets displayed, the converted file will be shown automatically if it is available.

Display the document in a new popup window. This button is available only after the Doc-to-PDF conversion has been completed and the converted PDF file is ready for display.

Decrease document file container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.

Set document file container size to default size.

Increase document file container height. The width is dynamic and depends on the browser window size.